Kitty Parties


Kitty Parties

If your teams are based in Udaipur then your team deserves best, The Kitty Party. We will arrange the best caterers, DJs, hosts, live music and our premium locations for your upcoming events. Unforgettable memories are just a few clicks away. We take great pride in everything we offer. In fact, at The Kitty Party, the fun never stops.

A kitty party is a get together of women with common interests coming together to organize a monthly gathering to do something to have fun, enjoyment and relaxation.

Kitty parties can be entertaining and exciting when interesting games are part of it.

However, members of the kitty often feel the task of organizing an entertaining kitty party is quite challenging. Also, as this is a monthly affair and the members expect fun, one should know how to maximise fun with the given budget. In order to organize it efficiently, the following aspects need to be planned meticulously and executed efficiently.